Birthday Parties
Party with us! Join us to celebrate your birthday (or anything else) with an hour of open gym time just for your group, plus you can tailor your party exactly how you'd like it!
Party attendees love jumping on our trampoline, climbing, and running around. Every kid will get a chance to try out or show-off on beam, bars, vault, rings, tumble track, parallel bars, mushroom and the floor. There's a coach at every party to coordinate the fun & festivities.
Each party is 2 hours long:
Hour 1: Warm-up and Open gym
Hour 2: In the Lobby (use for food, cake, ice cream, presents, etc.)
Parents are welcome to bring party decorations, food, drink, & plates, cups, napkins, utensils, etc. for the 2nd hour.
You can request special games or activities during the 1 hour Open Gym time. Examples might be:
- Group games (like Red Light, Green Light, Simon Says, Ships & Sailors, etc.)
- Handstand Contests
- Obstacle Courses
- Belt on Tumble Track
- Piñata (Birthday family must provide the piñata and rope)
- You are renting the entire gym. No one else will be in the building but you, your guests, and our coach(es)
- Available Saturday afternoons, anytime Sunday, and select other times.
- CGA Coach present at all times to provide safe and fun environment. Coach will lead games and activities. **Signed Waiver is Required for anyone on gym floor or equipment**
- CGA will provide up to 6 tables with chairs.
- Parents are responsible for decorations, tablecloths and utensils.
- Parents are responsible for any and all party food.
- Birthday family should arrive 15 minutes ahead of time to bring in food and prepare for the party.
- A non-refundable $30 deposit is required to reserve your party.
- The remaining balance is due the day of the party.
Party packages start at $250 for up to 16 children. (The cost goes up by an additional $10 per child over the initial 16 children.) The birthday child is not included in the total number of children.
Contact us to inquire about availability.